Shaping the Future of Innovation: TEB's Entrepreneurship Strategy for Ecosystem Leadership

Client: TEB

Industry: Finance

Service: Entrepreneurship Strategy Development
Project Scope

One of Turkey’s oldest financial institutions, Türk Ekonomi Bankası (TEB), began its banking activities in 1927. Since its establishment, TEB has expanded its branch network and product and service diversity, continuing its intermediary activities in various areas of the financial sector such as investment, leasing, factoring, insurance, and portfolio management. Under its partnership with BNP Paribas, TEB offers programs under the Entrepreneur House, entering the entrepreneurship ecosystem and providing support to startups at different stages through its collaboration with TİM.

Project Delivery

 The study conducted by Core Strateji involved several internal and stakeholder interviews, analyses, and consultations with various players in the entrepreneurship ecosystem (startups, VCs, accelerator programs, etc.) to understand TEB’s current situation and capabilities. Based on these insights, an overarching entrepreneurship strategy that addresses the ecosystem’s needs and leverages TEB’s competencies was developed. Additionally, proposals for current structures and necessary new structures were presented.

Çıktılar & Sonuç

 The Entrepreneurship Strategy, which will position TEB distinctively from its competitors, was completed in August 2023. Following meetings with the bank’s senior management, efforts to implement the strategy have commenced.

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